
[ENG] [Brand] Apple

Raaaaay 2023. 3. 25. 15:34

0. Birth of Apple

Apple is an American company founded in 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ron Wayne, and mainly produces and sells electronic products. Representative products include iPhone, iPad, and MacBook, and these products are loved by many for their excellent design, performance, and usability.


0. Apple's sales, stock price and operating profit

Sales growth has slowed since 2015, but sales are still rising due to changes in the profit structure following the launch of the iPhone. Apple's sales have shown steady growth since the early 2010s. In 2019, it broke the $2 trillion mark, setting an all-time high. However, due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, it declined slightly in 2020.

However, sales have since recovered and are growing. Apple's stock price and operating profit show a strong correlation. In particular, stock prices and operating profit tend to rise together when there is positive news, such as new product launches or company performance announcements. In addition, price declines due to competition with competitors such as Samsung Electronics may affect operating profit. Apple's operating profit showed a steady upward trend, especially after the release of the iPhone.

Operating profit is an indicator that shows the profit minus costs and expenses from the total revenue of the company.

If you look at the correlation between stock price fluctuations and operating profit, most of Apple's stock price rose in 2020, and at the same time, operating profit also increased.

This is because Apple maintains a highly profitable product line. Looking at the change in Apple's operating profit, it increased every year from 2016 to 2020.

This is due to new product launches and a strategy to focus on profitable product lines.

Apple's stock price and operating profit show a close correlation.

In general, when stock prices rise, operating profit tends to increase, and conversely, when stock prices fall, operating profits tend to decrease. Apple's stock price declined due to the economic crisis caused by the Corona 19 pandemic in 2020, but it has since recovered and is growing to this day.


0. Apple and Tesla

There is relatively little business correlation between Apple and Tesla.

Apple is focusing on manufacturing and selling electronic products, and Tesla is focusing on manufacturing electric vehicles and developing related products. However, as Apple recently announced that it would enter the self-driving car field, competition between the two companies is expected. Apple has plans to enter a field similar to that of automaker Tesla. Apple plans to develop self-driving cars and electric vehicles using its technology, and it is known that it is researching self-driving technology and electric vehicle battery technology for this purpose. Apple and Tesla are both known for their innovative technologies and products. However, there is no direct business correlation between the two companies. However, since Tesla has recently been focusing on the field of self-driving cars, there is a possibility that Apple will also strengthen its interest and investment in this field.


0. Apple's competitors and partners

Competitors include Google, Microsoft, and Amazon. Google competes with Apple through the Android operating system and the Google Play Store. Microsoft competes with the Windows operating system and the Surface lineup. Amazon is competing with Apple by launching Kindle tablets and more. Apple competes with Samsung in the smartphone market and Huawei in the mobile phone market. As of the fourth quarter of 2020, Samsung holds the top spot in the smartphone market with a 21.9% share, while Apple maintains the second spot with a 15.9% share. In the mobile phone market, Huawei holds the top spot with a 15.2% share. Also, Apple is competing with Samsung in the smartwatch market.

Apple's Apple Watch ranks first in the smartwatch market with a 33.9% share, while Samsung ranks second with a 9.1% share. Apple has partnerships with partners in a variety of fields. Representatively, there are LG Display, LGinnotek, Samsung Electronics, Qualcomm, SK Hynix, and LG Chem. In particular, LG Display and Samsung Electronics are large suppliers of Apple, supplying iPhone and iPad displays. Qualcomm and SK Hynix are Apple's semiconductor suppliers, supplying semiconductor chips used in iPhones and other devices. Also, Apple recently partnered with hybrid vehicle maker Kia to enter the automotive industry. Apple's partners include Taiwan's Foxconn, Japan's Sony, and Korea's LG Display. Among these, Foxconn is one of the major producers of the majority of iPhones. Foxconn accounts for more than 22% of Apple's revenue as of the third quarter of 2020. Also, Sony is involved in the production of Apple's camera modules. LG Display produces display panels used in Apple's iPhone, iPad, and MacBook.



0. Apple's Future

Apple is currently conducting research and development in areas such as artificial intelligence, augmented reality, virtual reality, and self-driving cars. In the field of artificial intelligence, we are investing in AI assistant technology including Siri, and in the field of augmented reality and virtual reality, we are developing ARKit and VRKit. In addition, in the field of self-driving cars, Project Titan is in progress, and self-driving software is being developed for it.


0. Overall rating

Apple is one of the leading technology companies used by many people around the world.

Apple releases new products every year, and strives to reflect customer needs and maintain the best technology.

But the competition continues, and Apple is trying to keep up. Apple's representative competitors include Google, Microsoft, and Samsung Electronics, and these companies compete with Apple based on their respective strengths. Apple has been facing data security and privacy issues lately. In response, Apple is taking various measures to strengthen security and protect personal information.

In addition, we are responding to the needs of developers and consumers, such as recently reducing fees in the Apple-owned App Store, and striving to improve our products and services. After Steve Jobs' death in 2011,

Apple was faced with a new leadership and business direction. In response,

Apple built a new leadership centered on CEO Tim Cook, We are working hard to continuously shape the direction for Apple's future by gathering talented people from various fields. Apple is loved by many fans of Steve Jobs' presence, talent, and vision. It is expected to be loved by more customers through new product launches and technological innovations. But despite the competition and problems,

Apple continues to provide excellent products and services to its customers, We are establishing ourselves as a successful company by continuously releasing innovative technologies.

Apple has an excellent sense of product design and usability, as well as the ability to understand customer needs and develop products accordingly. Due to these efforts and achievements,

Apple has become one of the most popular brands.

It has the influence of changing the lives of users in various fields. Apple is also committed to a sustainable future.

It deals with issues such as carbon neutrality, recycling, and energy efficiency, and pursues sustainable management policies. Apple's future is evolving even faster.

It is expected to lead innovative changes in various fields by launching innovative products and services that incorporate technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, and the Internet of Things.

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