
[ENG] [Medical] Hair Loss

Raaaaay 2023. 4. 29. 06:45

=====About hair loss...=====
Hair loss refers to the loss of all or part of the hair.
Hair generally grows and falls at regular intervals, and if too much hair falls during this process, hair loss occurs.
The degree of hair loss is different, and in mild cases, it may not be noticeable, and in severe cases, all hair may fall out from the front of the head, crown, and around the ears, leaving an empty area on the head.

=====Causes of hair loss=====
There can be many causes of hair loss, including genetic factors, stress, poor nutrition, hormonal changes, and drug side effects.
Since hair loss is not a disease, it is impossible to completely prevent it, but it can be prevented and reduced by taking in sufficient nutrition in daily life, maintaining healthy hair care, and reducing stress.
Treatment methods include drug treatment, surgical treatment, and dermatological treatment.
Hair loss can be prevented or cured with the right treatment
Hair loss appears in various forms depending on gender, age, and living environment.
Generally, male pattern baldness shows a gradual loss of hair from the crown, frontal, and back of the head.
Female pattern hair loss shows the overall hair whitening, and the hair texture becomes weak and thin.
Treatment for hair loss depends on the cause and severity of hair loss.
Finpecia and minoxidil are used for drug treatment, and grapefruit seed oil transplantation and hair transplantation are used for surgical treatment.
For dermatological treatment, salicylic acid, fine needles, and laser are used.

=====Types of hair loss =====
Types of hair loss include male pattern hair loss, female pattern hair loss, and acute hair loss of unknown cause.
Each has a different treatment method.
Treatment methods include drug treatment, surgical treatment, and dermatological treatment.
With the right treatment, hair loss can be prevented or cured.
but Since hair loss is not a disease, it cannot be completely prevented.
You can prevent and reduce hair loss by eating enough nutrients in your daily life, maintaining healthy hair care, and reducing stress.

=====Prevention and treatment of hair loss =====
To prevent hair loss, maintain a nutrient-rich diet,
Avoid brushing or pulling your hair frequently, and be especially careful not to overuse styling products.
Exercise, meditation, and yoga can be effective ways to reduce stress.
Hair loss is also a problem that can give psychological burden.
This is because losing your hair can change your appearance and reduce your self-confidence.
Therefore, how to deal with hair loss is also important.
As hair loss progresses, hair loss can be compensated for by changing the hairstyle or wearing a hat.
Since the prevention and treatment of hair loss varies depending on the situation, it is always recommended to consult a specialist if hair loss occurs.
In particular, rather than looking for selftreatment or solutions, it is important to visit a hair loss specialist to receive an accurate diagnosis and treatment method.
With accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment, you can prevent and treat hair loss to regain healthy hair and confidence.
-Intake of nutrients
: Nutrients such as iron, zinc, vitamin D and vitamin B are needed to maintain healthy hair. You can keep your hair healthy by eating a balanced diet rich in nutrients.
-Hair thinning health care
: For healthy hair, be careful not to comb or tie your hair often and use less styling products.
Taking care of your hair on a daily basis is key to maintaining healthy hair thickness.
Be careful not to comb your hair frequently and avoid exposing it to heat such as a hair dryer or styling products.
: Drug treatment such as Finpecia and Minoxidil can be effective in preventing and treating hair loss.
One of the treatments for hair loss is medication.
The two currently licensed drugs are minoxidil and finasteride. Minoxidil is applied directly to the scalp.
Finpecia is an oral medication. These two drugs help prevent hair loss and alleviate the symptoms of hair loss.
However, drug treatment can have side effects, so it should be used after consulting a specialist.
- Laser treatment
: Laser treatment is one of the effective ways to prevent and treat hair loss. The laser stimulates the hair to stimulate growth. However, the effect is temporary and may require ongoing treatment.
- Wild life extract
: Wildlife extract is effective in preventing and treating hair loss. These extracts prevent hair loss by strengthening the hair and stimulating blood circulation in the scalp.
-Sodium Light Therapy
: Sodium light therapy promotes hair growth. This method acts on the hair cells to help them grow new hair.
- Oxygen therapy
: Hair needs oxygen.
Oxygen therapy is one way to promote hair growth.
This method stimulates hair cells to help grow new hair.
-Naturalistic method
: Naturalistic methods include walnut oil, rosemary oil, and coconut oil. These oils promote hair growth and prevent hair loss by strengthening them.
-Scalp massage
: Scalp massage once a week can prevent hair loss by improving blood circulation in the scalp.
-Pilates or yoga
: Balancing the body and mind through Pilates or yoga reduces stress, which helps prevent hair loss.
- Supplement for hair loss prevention
: Some supplements help prevent hair loss, so it is recommended to take them after consulting a specialist.
-Pinterra Stud
: Pinterasteride is used as a treatment to prevent hair loss.
This drug prevents hair loss by inhibiting the conversion of the male sex hormone testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) by the diuretic enzyme 5-alpha-reductase.
However, women should not administer it.
- Shampoo and conditioner
: Using appropriate shampoo and conditioner to keep the scalp clean and healthy helps prevent hair loss. In particular, hair loss shampoos are effective as they contain ingredients necessary for hair growth, such as caffeine and biotin.
-Regular scalp massage
: Regular scalp massage promotes scalp blood circulation and promotes hair growth. When massaging, make sure your hair is not too wet.
Healthy hair is related to overall health, so regular health checks are also important to prevent hair loss.
It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including a healthy diet, plenty of exercise, smoking cessation, and alcohol.
It is recommended that you visit a beauty salon to take care of your hair frequently, especially to try hair styling to prevent hair loss. The products you use to style your hair may contain chemicals, so it's important to consult your hairdresser to use the right products.
-Healthy lifestyle
: Maintaining a healthy lifestyle such as nutritious meals, sufficient sleep, and stress management is very helpful in preventing and treating hair loss.
Finally, hair loss prevention and treatment is a very personal matter, and it is important to consult a professional to find a method that suits your individual circumstances. It is also important to be proactive and overcome negative perceptions and self-image about hair loss.
Getting enough sleep plays an important role in hair growth. Typically, you need 7 to 8 hours of sleep.
- Maintain proper cleanliness
: It is important to properly maintain the scalp. Shampooing too often removes the scalp's natural oils and makes the scalp dry, so it's a good idea to shampoo with moderate frequency, and if your scalp gets too dirty, rinse with appropriate frequency.
- Hair loss prevention food
: Eating proper food helps prevent hair loss. Foods such as almonds, green tea, onions, ginger, and blueberries are known to be good for preventing hair loss.
- hair protection
: It is important to protect hair to prevent hair loss. Dyeing or perming too often can harm your hair, so it's a good idea to protect your hair with appropriate frequency and manner.
- hair loss treatment
: Hair loss treatments include minoxidil and propecia. These treatments should be used according to the prescription of a specialist, and their effectiveness and side effects should be considered.
- Stress Management
: Stress is one of the main causes of hair loss. Therefore, managing stress can help prevent hair loss. Stress management methods include meditation, yoga, exercise, and breathing exercises.
- Proper hair care
: Proper hair care is necessary to keep hair healthy. Washing or combing your hair too often can damage your hair, so be careful. To keep your hair healthy, you need to use the right hair products and be careful not to wash or comb your hair too often.
- transplant surgery
: If treatment is ineffective or discontinued, transplant surgery may be considered.
Transplant surgery can be done by transplanting your own hair to another area or through a hair transplant.
Minoxidil: Minoxidil, famous for hair loss treatment, has the effect of increasing the number of hairs by stimulating the growth of hair cells on the scalp. However, side effects may include itching and rash.
- Regular checkup at the hospital
: To maintain hair health, it is recommended to have regular checkups at the hospital. This allows for early detection of hair loss or other hair problems for appropriate prevention and treatment.
- Other Natural Remedies
: You can try other natural remedies to prevent hair loss. Typical examples include green tea and red parchment.
Green tea contains catechins and polyphenols that can help strengthen hair and prevent hair loss.
Red sheepskin is known to be effective in promoting blood circulation and preventing hair loss.
Some of the methods mentioned above are not medically validated, so it is recommended that you consult with a professional before attempting them.
While these methods can help prevent and treat hair loss, it is most important to take care of your hair health in your daily life.
Lastly, hair loss can also affect your mental health, so it's a good idea to consult a professional if you need psychological support.

=====Hair Loss Rate=====
Hair loss is more common in men, but can also occur in women.
The rate of hair loss varies depending on gender, and age and genetic factors also affect it.
The rate of hair loss worldwide is about 50%, which is a number that does not differentiate between men and women.

=====Other hair loss=====
Female hair loss: Female hair loss has different characteristics from male hair loss.
Generally, hair loss in women occurs on the upper body, not on the frontal or top areas. Also, hair loss in women is slower than in men, and overall thinning of the hair is common.
For female hair loss, it may be due to problems with female hormones, so hormone therapy or certain adjuvant therapies may be effective.
Hair loss in infants: Hair loss in infants begins after 3 months of age.
This is usually temporary, and most heal within 6 months.
Infant hair loss is usually caused by genetic factors or hormonal changes after pregnancy, and usually does not require any treatment.
Infant hair loss can begin between 3 and 6 months of age and is temporary.
The reason is that hair usually starts growing at birth, so some hair falls out and regrows.
Infant hair loss usually reverses between 6 and 12 months, but sometimes it can take longer.
Partial hair loss: Partial hair loss is a phenomenon in which hair is lost locally, and it can usually be caused by emotional factors such as stress or loss of self-confidence. In the treatment of partial hair loss, it is important to identify the exact cause and then remove or treat the cause.
In some cases, elective treatments such as medication or cosmetic surgery are also available.
Partial baldness refers to a local lack of hair.
It usually occurs along with hyperpigmentation, which can be caused by factors such as autoimmune disorders, chemical exposure, and stress. Partial hair loss can range from small to extensive, and treatment varies depending on the severity of the condition.
For partial hair loss, anti-inflammatory drugs such as corticosteroids may be effective.
However, long-term use of these drugs can cause side effects, so they should be used only under the guidance of a specialist.
Stress Hair Loss: Prolonged stress can affect the hair growth cycle and cause hair to fall out. This hair loss is temporary, and removing the stressor can restore the hair.
Some medications: Affect hair growth, which can cause hair loss.
These drugs include anticancer drugs, antibiotics, and anti-obesity drugs.
Autoimmune alopecia: This is a condition in which the immune system attacks one's own hair and causes the hair to fall out.
This can usually be caused by acute stress or infection.
Hereditary hair loss: This is one of the most common types of hair loss. It is characterized by gradual thinning and thinning of hair due to genetic factors.
This is commonly referred to as male pattern hair loss, and it starts on the upper half of the body and progresses towards the top of the head.
Other Hair Loss: Other types of hair loss include traumatic hair loss, infectious hair loss, and electrical hair loss. Treatment for this type of hair loss may vary depending on the cause.
Overall, hair loss is a complex condition that can occur for many different causes and types.
It is important to receive an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment tailored to your individual circumstances.

=====Development level of hair loss medicine=====
Currently, the level of development of hair loss treatment drugs is increasing.
In recent studies, new treatment methods such as stem cell therapy, laser therapy, and gene therapy are being proposed.
Currently, the level of drug development varies from year to year.
Minoxidil and Propecia, which are the most used hair loss treatments, are already commercially available.
Minoxidil is used to prevent hair loss by promoting hair growth.
Currently, development of hair loss treatment drugs is continuously being made.
Common medications include Minoxidil and Propecia (Finasteride).
Minoxidil is an external medicine used to prevent and treat hair loss, and it is effective when applied directly to the hair loss area.
Minoxidil promotes blood circulation in the hair loss area to create hair and has the effect of prolonging the hair growth phase. However, it takes time to show the effect, and hair loss may recur when use is stopped.
Propecia is an oral medication used to treat male pattern baldness. Propecia inhibits the conversion of the testosterone hormone to prevent the production of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is the main cause of hair loss, and has the effect of protecting hair.
Propecia is a drug used to treat enlarged prostate in men.
There may be side effects, so it should be used after consulting a doctor.
Also, new treatments are being developed recently.
A drug called Haircue is attracting attention as it has been announced that it has the effect of promoting hair growth by promoting the new skin cells.
However, it has not yet been commercialized through a process such as clinical trials.

===== Closing... =====
Hair loss also causes psychological distress for many people.
Therefore, psychological support is also important in managing it.
Psychological support is usually provided through psychotherapy, stress management techniques, and support groups.
Additionally, education is needed to address the misperceptions of hair loss and negative self-image issues.
Since thinning or falling hair is viewed negatively by many people, hair loss sufferers must take proactive steps to restore their appearance and confidence.
It is important to develop a plan with a professional to prevent and manage hair loss.
Specialists can assess the type and cause of hair loss and suggest the optimal treatment method according to each patient's individual situation.
Therefore, if hair loss occurs, it is recommended to consult a specialist and receive treatment.
Hair is a precious part that reflects each person's personality. Preventing and treating hair loss involves maintaining not only your hair, but your overall health as well.
It is important to maintain the health of your hair through ongoing care and expert advice.

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